New Museum of Networked Art
The aural derivative of the "Sound Footprint" installation has been chosen for exhibition by artvideoKOELN and The New Museum of Networked Art, and will be hosted at the/a museum in Madrid in 2018.
Museum site
Exhibition link
Osmosis 8/2017
Insequel is a work of semi-structured improvisation and performance for computer music and generative and audio-reactive visuals, and was performed on August 24th, 2017 at the Osmosis Festival in Taipei, for which the piece was conceived, composed and programmed for. Osmosis Festival is an annual week-long international AV arts festival in its 3rd year featuring both installation and performance works. Each day was featured at a different sight, with the performance of Insequel at Korner, one of Taipei’s famed independent performance venue and electronic music and dance clubs. The program was designed around several spaces within the venue, with the idea that spectators could follow performances in an order or walk through different ongoing performances.
Event link
Spaced Out 2/2017
Event link
At Spaced Out, I and 3 friends performed a piece tentatively called For4Spaces. Basically, each person inputs their geographic coordinates of their hometown, and then has to find rhythms and possible harmonies with the other performance members (or not). Performers are not allowed to hear it beforehand, as I wish to portray the meeting of strangers from unknown origins for the first time, and an attempt at conversation.